Line Marking

HDGS is extremely proud of our state of the art equipment and Lantra accredited, FA standards sports pitch line marking.

At HDGS, we believe the attention to detail and care with which we carry out our sports field line marking duties is unrivalled.

Request a Visit
01202 256788

Building 287-288 Aviation Business Park
Christchurch Dorset BH23 6NW


Line Marking Services


At Hants & Dorset Gardening Services, we offer a complete range of services to keep your sports fields in top condition.

  • Pitch Measuring

  • Initial Marking

  • Line Marking

  • Line Burning

  • Goal Post Installation

Multi-sport Line Marking

At HDGS, we maintain a number of fields for a variety of sports across Hampshire, Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire.

Our friendly team are all well trained and have experience in marking large grounds and fields, and we can provide this service as either a one off or as part of your regular field maintenance visits.

Our attention to detail and the equipment we use means we can provide a professional marking and service each time.

Events and recreational fields, including play parks and hotel grounds can also be marked for special events.

We have also provided line markings for private gardens - as a one off or we can create a bespoke package to meet your needs.

Our staff have DBS checks and are trained to line mark fields in a variety of sports, including football, rugby, athletics, rounders, running tracks and javelin, either in lawn or artificial grass.

Please feel free to request a free quote and find out how we can help you achieve your line marking goals.

Sports Field Line Marking

  • Line Marking

    HDGS professionals are LANTRA trained to provide FA standards line marking to your pitches.

    Our modern equipment provides crisper, more precise lines, with both sides of the grass leaf coated with one pass, making double marking a thing of the past and saving you money.

    The line marker works blasting off of rain, dew and grass clippings for better paint adhesion.

    Smaller droplets and better paint adhesion, results in faster drying lines and longer duration.

  • Post Installation

    At HDGS we are able to provide post installation to help you meet your sports pitch needs. We can incorporate this into your existing sports field maintenance packages or we can provide this service as a one off.

    All our team members have experience in installing posts for sports pitches including football and rugby.

    Our staff are always happy to help and can also help you find the right posts for your chosen sport.

  • Event Line Marking

    We provide line marking for events such as birthday party football fields, camping field marking for tents and car boot sales, race tracks and a variety of other sports.

How can we help?
01202 256788

Building 287-288 Aviation Business Park
Christchurch Dorset BH23 6NW